Source code for ingenico.connect.sdk.communicator

from datetime import datetime
from httplib import NOT_FOUND
from urllib import quote
from urlparse import urlparse

from communication_exception import CommunicationException
from ingenico.connect.sdk.log.logging_capable import LoggingCapable
from ingenico.connect.sdk.log.obfuscation_capable import ObfuscationCapable
from not_found_exception import NotFoundException
from pooled_connection import PooledConnection
from multipart_form_data_object import MultipartFormDataObject
from multipart_form_data_request import MultipartFormDataRequest
from request_header import RequestHeader
from response_exception import ResponseException
from response_header import get_header_value

[docs]class Communicator(LoggingCapable, ObfuscationCapable): """ Used to communicate with the Ingenico ePayments platform web services. It contains all the logic to transform a request object to an HTTP request and an HTTP response to a response object. """ def __init__(self, session, marshaller): if session is None: raise ValueError("session is required") if marshaller is None: raise ValueError("marshaller is required") self.__session = session self.__marshaller = marshaller
[docs] def close(self): """ Releases any system resources associated with this object. """ self.__session.connection.close()
def _get_with_binary_response(self, relative_path, request_headers, request_parameters, context): connection = self.__session.connection if request_parameters is None: request_parameter_list = None else: request_parameter_list = request_parameters.to_request_parameters() uri = self._to_absolute_uri(relative_path, request_parameter_list) if request_headers is None: request_headers = [] self._add_generic_headers("GET", uri, request_headers, context) return connection.get(uri, request_headers)
[docs] def get_with_binary_response(self, relative_path, request_headers, request_parameters, context): """ Corresponds to the HTTP GET method. :param relative_path: The path to call, relative to the base URI. :param request_headers: An optional list of request headers. :param request_parameters: An optional set of request parameters. :param context: The optional call context to use. :raise: CommunicationException when an exception occurred communicating with the Ingenico ePayments platform :raise: ResponseException when an error response was received from the Ingenico ePayments platform :raise: ApiException when an error response was received from the Ingenico ePayments platform which contained a list of errors """ (status, headers, chunks) = self._get_with_binary_response(relative_path, request_headers, request_parameters, context) return self._process_binary_response(status, chunks, headers, relative_path, context)
[docs] def get(self, relative_path, request_headers, request_parameters, response_type, context): """ Corresponds to the HTTP GET method. :param relative_path: The path to call, relative to the base URI. :param request_headers: An optional list of request headers. :param request_parameters: An optional set of request parameters. :param response_type: The type of response to return. :param context: The optional call context to use. :raise: CommunicationException when an exception occurred communicating with the Ingenico ePayments platform :raise: ResponseException when an error response was received from the Ingenico ePayments platform :raise: ApiException when an error response was received from the Ingenico ePayments platform which contained a list of errors """ (status, headers, chunks) = self._get_with_binary_response(relative_path, request_headers, request_parameters, context) return self._process_response(status, chunks, headers, relative_path, response_type, context)
def _delete_with_binary_response(self, relative_path, request_headers, request_parameters, context): connection = self.__session.connection if request_parameters is None: request_parameter_list = None else: request_parameter_list = request_parameters.to_request_parameters() uri = self._to_absolute_uri(relative_path, request_parameter_list) if request_headers is None: request_headers = [] self._add_generic_headers("DELETE", uri, request_headers, context) return connection.delete(uri, request_headers)
[docs] def delete_with_binary_response(self, relative_path, request_headers, request_parameters, context): """ Corresponds to the HTTP DELETE method. :param relative_path: The path to call, relative to the base URI. :param request_headers: An optional list of request headers. :param request_parameters: An optional set of request parameters. :param context: The optional call context to use. :raise: CommunicationException when an exception occurred communicating with the Ingenico ePayments platform :raise: ResponseException when an error response was received from the Ingenico ePayments platform :raise: ApiException when an error response was received from the Ingenico ePayments platform which contained a list of errors """ (status, headers, chunks) = self._delete_with_binary_response(relative_path, request_headers, request_parameters, context) return self._process_binary_response(status, chunks, headers, relative_path, context)
[docs] def delete(self, relative_path, request_headers, request_parameters, response_type, context): """ Corresponds to the HTTP DELETE method. :param relative_path: The path to call, relative to the base URI. :param request_headers: An optional list of request headers. :param request_parameters: An optional set of request parameters. :param response_type: The type of response to return. :param context: The optional call context to use. :raise: CommunicationException when an exception occurred communicating with the Ingenico ePayments platform :raise: ResponseException when an error response was received from the Ingenico ePayments platform :raise: ApiException when an error response was received from the Ingenico ePayments platform which contained a list of errors """ (status, headers, chunks) = self._delete_with_binary_response(relative_path, request_headers, request_parameters, context) return self._process_response(status, chunks, headers, relative_path, response_type, context)
def _post_with_binary_response(self, relative_path, request_headers, request_parameters, request_body, context): connection = self.__session.connection if request_parameters is None: request_parameter_list = None else: request_parameter_list = request_parameters.to_request_parameters() uri = self._to_absolute_uri(relative_path, request_parameter_list) if request_headers is None: request_headers = [] body = None if isinstance(request_body, MultipartFormDataObject): request_headers.append(RequestHeader("Content-Type", request_body.content_type)) body = request_body elif isinstance(request_body, MultipartFormDataRequest): multipart = request_body.to_multipart_form_data_object() request_headers.append(RequestHeader("Content-Type", multipart.content_type)) body = multipart elif request_body is not None: request_headers.append(RequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")) body = self.__marshaller.marshal(request_body) self._add_generic_headers("POST", uri, request_headers, context) return, request_headers, body)
[docs] def post_with_binary_response(self, relative_path, request_headers, request_parameters, request_body, context): """ Corresponds to the HTTP POST method. :param relative_path: The path to call, relative to the base URI. :param request_headers: An optional list of request headers. :param request_parameters: An optional set of request parameters. :param request_body: The optional request body to send. :param context: The optional call context to use. :raise: CommunicationException when an exception occurred communicating with the Ingenico ePayments platform :raise: ResponseException when an error response was received from the Ingenico ePayments platform :raise: ApiException when an error response was received from the Ingenico ePayments platform which contained a list of errors """ (status, headers, chunks) = self._post_with_binary_response(relative_path, request_headers, request_parameters, request_body, context) return self._process_binary_response(status, chunks, headers, relative_path, context)
[docs] def post(self, relative_path, request_headers, request_parameters, request_body, response_type, context): """ Corresponds to the HTTP POST method. :param relative_path: The path to call, relative to the base URI. :param request_headers: An optional list of request headers. :param request_parameters: An optional set of request parameters. :param request_body: The optional request body to send. :param response_type: The type of response to return. :param context: The optional call context to use. :raise: CommunicationException when an exception occurred communicating with the Ingenico ePayments platform :raise: ResponseException when an error response was received from the Ingenico ePayments platform :raise: ApiException when an error response was received from the Ingenico ePayments platform which contained a list of errors """ (status, headers, chunks) = self._post_with_binary_response(relative_path, request_headers, request_parameters, request_body, context) return self._process_response(status, chunks, headers, relative_path, response_type, context)
def _put_with_binary_response(self, relative_path, request_headers, request_parameters, request_body, context): connection = self.__session.connection if request_parameters is None: request_parameter_list = None else: request_parameter_list = request_parameters.to_request_parameters() uri = self._to_absolute_uri(relative_path, request_parameter_list) if request_headers is None: request_headers = [] body = None if isinstance(request_body, MultipartFormDataObject): request_headers.append(RequestHeader("Content-Type", request_body.content_type)) body = request_body elif isinstance(request_body, MultipartFormDataRequest): multipart = request_body.to_multipart_form_data_object() request_headers.append(RequestHeader("Content-Type", multipart.content_type)) body = multipart elif request_body is not None: request_headers.append(RequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")) body = self.__marshaller.marshal(request_body) self._add_generic_headers("PUT", uri, request_headers, context) return connection.put(uri, request_headers, body)
[docs] def put_with_binary_response(self, relative_path, request_headers, request_parameters, request_body, context): """ Corresponds to the HTTP PUT method. :param relative_path: The path to call, relative to the base URI. :param request_headers: An optional list of request headers. :param request_parameters: An optional set of request parameters. :param request_body: The optional request body to send. :param context: The optional call context to use. :raise: CommunicationException when an exception occurred communicating with the Ingenico ePayments platform :raise: ResponseException when an error response was received from the Ingenico ePayments platform :raise: ApiException when an error response was received from the Ingenico ePayments platform which contained a list of errors """ (status, headers, chunks) = self._put_with_binary_response(relative_path, request_headers, request_parameters, request_body, context) return self._process_binary_response(status, chunks, headers, relative_path, context)
[docs] def put(self, relative_path, request_headers, request_parameters, request_body, response_type, context): """ Corresponds to the HTTP PUT method. :param relative_path: The path to call, relative to the base URI. :param request_headers: An optional list of request headers. :param request_parameters: An optional set of request parameters. :param request_body: The optional request body to send. :param response_type: The type of response to return. :param context: The optional call context to use. :raise: CommunicationException when an exception occurred communicating with the Ingenico ePayments platform :raise: ResponseException when an error response was received from the Ingenico ePayments platform :raise: ApiException when an error response was received from the Ingenico ePayments platform which contained a list of errors """ (status, headers, chunks) = self._put_with_binary_response(relative_path, request_headers, request_parameters, request_body, context) return self._process_response(status, chunks, headers, relative_path, response_type, context)
@property def marshaller(self): """ :return: The Marshaller object associated with this communicator. Never None. """ return self.__marshaller def _to_absolute_uri(self, relative_path, request_parameters): api_endpoint = self.__session.api_endpoint if api_endpoint.path: raise ValueError("api_endpoint should not contain a path") if api_endpoint.username is not None or api_endpoint.query or api_endpoint.fragment: raise ValueError("api_endpoint should not contain user info, query or fragment") if relative_path.startswith("/"): absolute_path = relative_path else: absolute_path = "/" + relative_path uri = api_endpoint.geturl() + absolute_path separator = "?" if request_parameters is not None: for nvp in request_parameters: uri += separator uri += quote( + "=" + quote(nvp.value) separator = "&" # no need to revalidate that uri has a valid scheme and netloc return urlparse(uri) def _add_generic_headers(self, http_method, uri, request_headers, context): """ Adds the necessary headers to the given list of headers. This includes the authorization header, which uses other headers, so when you need to override this method, make sure to call super.addGenericHeaders at the end of your overridden method. """ # add server meta info header request_headers.extend(self.__session.meta_data_provider.meta_data_headers) # add date header request_headers.append(RequestHeader("Date", self._get_header_date_string())) if context is not None and context.idempotence_key is not None: # add context specific headers request_headers.append(RequestHeader("X-GCS-Idempotence-Key", context.idempotence_key)) # add signature authenticator = self.__session.authenticator authentication_signature = authenticator.create_simple_authentication_signature(http_method, uri, request_headers) request_headers.append(RequestHeader("Authorization", authentication_signature)) def _get_header_date_string(self): """ Returns the date in the preferred format for the HTTP date header. """ date_format_utc = datetime.utcnow().strftime( "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT") return date_format_utc @staticmethod def __collect_chunks(chunks): collected_body = b"" for chunk in chunks: collected_body += chunk return collected_body.decode('utf-8') def _process_binary_response(self, status, chunks, headers, request_path, context): if context is not None: self._update_context(headers, context) self._throw_exception_if_necessary_binary(status, chunks, headers, request_path) return headers, chunks def _process_response(self, status, chunks, headers, request_path, response_type, context): if context is not None: self._update_context(headers, context) body = self.__collect_chunks(chunks) self._throw_exception_if_necessary(status, body, headers, request_path) return self.__marshaller.unmarshal(body, response_type) def _update_context(self, headers, context): """ Updates the given call context based on the contents of the given response. """ idempotence_request_timestamp_value = get_header_value(headers, "X-GCS-Idempotence-Request-Timestamp") if idempotence_request_timestamp_value is not None: idempotence_request_timestamp = long(idempotence_request_timestamp_value) context.idempotence_request_timestamp = idempotence_request_timestamp else: context.idempotence_request_timestamp = None def _throw_exception_if_necessary_binary(self, status, chunks, headers, request_path): """ Checks the Response for errors and throws an exception if necessary. """ # status codes in the 100 or 300 range are not expected if status < 200 or status >= 300: body = self.__collect_chunks(chunks) self.__throw_exception(status, body, headers, request_path) def _throw_exception_if_necessary(self, status, body, headers, request_path): """ Checks the Response for errors and throws an exception if necessary. """ # status codes in the 100 or 300 range are not expected if status < 200 or status >= 300: self.__throw_exception(status, body, headers, request_path) def __throw_exception(self, status, body, headers, request_path): if body is not None and not self.__is_json(headers): cause = ResponseException(status, body, headers) if status == NOT_FOUND: raise NotFoundException(cause, "The requested resource was not found; invalid path: " + request_path) else: raise CommunicationException(cause) else: raise ResponseException(status, body, headers) @staticmethod def __is_json(headers): content_type = get_header_value(headers, "Content-Type") return (content_type is None) or \ ("application/json".lower() == content_type) or \ (content_type.lower().startswith("application/json"))
[docs] def close_idle_connections(self, idle_time): """ Utility method that delegates the call to this communicator's session's connection if that's an instance of PooledConnection. If not this method does nothing. :param idle_time: a datetime.timedelta object indicating the idle time """ connection = self.__session.connection if isinstance(connection, PooledConnection): connection.close_idle_connections(idle_time)
[docs] def close_expired_connections(self): """ Utility method that delegates the call to this communicator's session's connection if that's an instance of PooledConnection. If not this method does nothing. """ connection = self.__session.connection if isinstance(connection, PooledConnection): connection.close_expired_connections()
[docs] def set_body_obfuscator(self, body_obfuscator): connection = self.__session.connection if isinstance(connection, ObfuscationCapable): connection.set_body_obfuscator(body_obfuscator)
[docs] def set_header_obfuscator(self, header_obfuscator): connection = self.__session.connection if isinstance(connection, ObfuscationCapable): connection.set_header_obfuscator(header_obfuscator)
[docs] def enable_logging(self, communicator_logger): # delegate to the connection self.__session.connection.enable_logging(communicator_logger)
[docs] def disable_logging(self): # delegate to the connection self.__session.connection.disable_logging()
[docs] def __enter__(self): return self
[docs] def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.close()